Healing Heights 2024
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The evidence-based program at RADIUS provides a combination of four services to help youth, and their families, before, during, and after their time in the program. Services include residential, in-home, school, and behavioral health treatment.
RADIUS operates an array of services to help youth and families before, during, and after their stay. Services include residential, in-home, school, and behavioral health treatment.
RADIUS provides 24 total beds for youth aged 12-18.
Three distinct living suites provide a safe therapeutic living environment for 8 youth, each with their own room. Each living area has direct access to a tranquil one-acre recreation area dedicated for use by RADIUS residents.
The residential program uses a variety of evidence-based services including TARGET© and Restorative Practices to help address the challenges faced by youth with historical of trauma, behavioral challenges, and mental health and substance use treatment needs.
Length of stay will be different for each youth based on their need and the court order for placement. In general youth meetings, the criteria for admission are likely to stay 6-12 months.
Photo by Shutterstock.com
Planning for a youth’s transition back to the local community begins at admission. Families and others in a support role maintain relationships with RADIUS youth through frequent communication and visits both at the facility and in the community.
As the youth’s plan for transition is developed specially trained in-home services staff will work directly with the family to build the support necessary in the home and community to ensure a successful return home.
In-home staff works directly with families during and after the RADIUS residential stay.
All youth living at RADIUS attend school within the residential facility in classrooms with 6-8 students. Educational plans are individualized to meet the unique needs of each student, including Interim-Program School Under Rule 18 services and credit recovery. Students receive direct instruction from RADIUS teachers who work closely with the local schools the youth may return to after their stay at RADIUS.
Physical and behavioral health treatment services are provided by Charles Drew Health Center in a community facing location on the RADIUS campus.
The unique partnership with Charles Drew allows RADIUS to meet the dynamic needs of youth while they live at RADIUS and after their successful transition home. Community members, including the families of RADIUS youth may also access services at this location.
Youth receiving residential services are on probation and placed at RADIUS by the juvenile court.
RADIUS makes a lasting difference in the lives of youth and families in our community. Your contributions are important because government funding does not cover all the necessary services to meet the needs of the youth and families we serve.
A place of healing and restoring relationships between youth, families, and their community.
RADIUS is a proud member of the Association of Children’s Residential & Community Services and the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands.